“Beautiful” - Anu’s therapist

“I’m listening to Cold Comfort and it is beautiful. Seems like the right thing before heading to the Masonic to see Liz Phair.” - Karen Z.

“…I forgot to say how much I have been enjoying your latest music. What a fabulous, intriguing sound. It is reminiscent of something that I can't put my finger on, but feels very familiar to me. 

The lyrics in a few of your songs are truly profound. I'm not a music critic, but they touched me deeply.” - Anu’s aunt Mary


Emerging from California’s wild northern high country in the stormy, dark winter of 2022, Emily Hobson and Anu Kirk tied up the horses and settled in with guitars and drinks. Facing the great silence, they combined their love of twang, shoegaze, slowcore, and goth music and began to write and wrangle.

Within a few weeks, the bones of their first album “Cold Comfort” began to form. Spooky tremolo and reverb. Western themes. Harmonies influenced by Low and Swans. New takes of old songs led to original material, and a new band: Snow Westerns.

Snow Westerns have arrived with an album of original material with “Cold Comfort”, and an EP of their versions of select beloved songs titled “You Got All Sad”.